Acupuncture Treatment & Chinese Herbal Medicine
The acupuncture treatment provided by Brad Hill Wellness is as varied as the individual receiving the treatment. For each patient’s unique needs, Brad is able to weave in additional healing techniques learned through extensive post-graduate studies.
More information on each of the following services is provided below.
Acute & Chronic Pain
Acupuncture is frequently used to treat chronic pain – especially low back pain, neck pain,…
BioSET is a highly effective method of eliminating allergies. All types of allergies can be…
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese medicine has evolved over thousands of years and is successfully used in the treatment…
Internal Medicine and Cancer Support
Research has shown that acupuncture therapy can be very successful in treating a number of…
Mental Health
There are patterns of disharmony that are the underlying cause of anxiety, depression and phobias.…
Orthopedic & Sports
Acupuncture is highly effective in treating Orthopedic and sports injuries, helping to reduce pain and…
Women’s Health
The combination of acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine can significantly help women at any stage…