Acute & Chronic Pain
Acupuncture is frequently used to treat chronic pain – especially low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis/knee pain, and headache pain. By balancing both the 5-Element Acupuncture Method and the Meridian Balance Method, Brad is able to diagnose and treat both acute and chronic pain effectively.
Electromagnetic stimulation may also be used to stimulate blood flow throughout the body. Often E-stim is used for musculoskeletal pain, providing relief by opening the meridian and letting the qi flow freely, restoring balance. By combining various treatment tools in the practice of acupuncture and adding herbal medicine, Brad can help eliminate pain from your body and get you back to enjoying everyday life again.
If you are experiencing the pain of any kind, we encourage you to consult with Brad.
For more information on acupuncture benefits and more, please consult the video on Treating Acute and Chronic Pain.